I2C Serial Interface and Devices Functional Description
MVME7100 Single Board Computer Installation and Use (6806800E08A)
The MVME7100 supports the power-on reset (POR) pin sampling method for processor reset
configuration. The states of the various configuration pins on the processor are sampled when
reset is de-asserted to determine the desired operating modes. Combinations of pull-up and
pull-down resistors are used to set the options. Some options are fixed and some are selectable
at build time by installing the proper pull-up/pull-down resistor. Refer to the MC864xD reference
manual, listed in Appendix B, Related Documentation, Manufacturers’ Documents on page 101
for additional details and/or programming information.
4.4 I
C Serial Interface and Devices
The MVME7100 provides the following on-board I
C serial devices connected to the MC864xD
C controller 0 interface:
z 8 KB serial EEPROM for VPD
z Two 64 KB serial EEPROMs for user configuration data storage
z Two 256 byte serial EEPROMs for SPD
z Maxim DS1375 Real Time Clock
z Maxim MAX6649 temperature sensor
z 8 KB serial EEPROM on RTM VPD
The RTC implemented on the MVME7100 provides an alarm interrupt routed to the MC864xD
PIC through the control PLD. A DS32KHz temperature controlled crystal oscillator provides the
RTC clock reference. A battery backup circuit for the RTC is provided on-board.
The Maxim digital temperature sensor measures of temperature of the board and also connects
to the temperature diode on the MC864xD. The temperature sensor also provides an alarm
interrupt routed to the MC864xD PIC through the control PLD.
The I
C interface is routed to the P2 connector for access to the serial EEPROM located on the
transition module. The device address for the transition module serial EEPROM is user
selectable using the configuration switches. Refer to Chapter 5, Transition Module for
information on the switches.
For programming information, see the MVME7100 Single Board Computer Programmer’s
4.5 System Memory
The MC864xD includes two memory controllers. The MVME7100 supports one bank of
memory on each controller. The MVME7100 supports 512 MB, 1 GB and 2 GB DDR2
SDRAMS. This provides memory configurations of 1 GB, 2 GB, and 4 GB. The MVME7100
supports memory speeds up to DDR533.