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i. Do not attempt to Learn directly under an incandescent or low-energy light as these can cause
interference with the IR transmissions. Keep at least one metre away from any such light
j. Avoid learning the Volume/Mute keys on your original remote unless you are sure these operate
the same target device e.g. some original DVD remotes also include TV Volume/Mute key
control – these can be two different types of code.
k. Avoid learning the VCR keys on your original remote unless you are sure these operate the
same target device e.g. some original TV remotes also include VCR key control – these can be
two different types of code.
l. Learning a key can take up to 3 seconds. Do not release the key being Learned until the
“Success” or “Key Learn Error” screens have been displayed.
m. If learning the first or second keys for a Mode results in continuous errors then try the following :-
i. End the Learn session by pressing the Exit key.
ii. Clear out the learned commands for that Mode.
iii. Check the IR LEDs are correctly aligned between the two remotes.
iv. Adjust the distance between the two remotes to be closer (e.g. 15mm) or further away
(e.g. 50mm) from each other.
v. Try learning the original remote for that Mode again.
If the problem occurs again with the same key check the original remote key being learned –
does it transmit? Does it operate the target device? Try learning that key under a different clear
Mode. If it learns okay then it is likely to be a different code type from the others and cannot be
learned under the same Mode.
Learning Notes :
a. You cannot learn under the Setup, Home Cinema or Macro keys.
b. All learned commands for a Mode are deleted if the same or a new 4-digit code is entered for
that Mode (includes Direct Code Entry, Code Search and Brand Search entries).
c. The Backlighting is turned off for Learning.
8.1 To Learn Commands
a. Press and hold S key until “Code Setup” is displayed (takes approximately 2-3 seconds).
b. Release S key.
c. Using the Up/Down keys, navigate to “Learn Setup”. Press and release OK key.
d. “Learn One Mode” is displayed. Press and release OK key.
e. “Select a Mode Key?” is displayed. Press and release the desired Mode key (TV, VCR, DVD,
f. “Select a Key to Learn?” is displayed. Press and release the LCD remote key to be taught with
original remote code.
g. “Learning: Please Wait” is displayed. Press and hold original remote key until the “Success” or
“Key Learn Error” screens have been displayed (see Tips on Learning) followed by the “OK-
Learn More or Exit?” screen (this process can take up to 2 or 3 seconds to complete). Release
the original remote key.
h. “OK-Learn More or Exit?” screen is still displayed. To learn more keys, press and release the
OK key and repeat from step “f”. To exit at this point, press and release the Exit key.
i. “Please Wait” will be displayed briefly and the remote will exit Setup and return to normal
8.2 To Clear all stored Learned Commands under a Mode :-
a. Press and hold S key until “Code Setup” is displayed (takes approximately 3 seconds).
b. Release S key.
c. Using the Up/Down keys, navigate to “Learn Setup”. Press and release OK key. “Mode Learn”
is displayed.
d. Using the Up/Down keys, navigate to “Clear One Learn Mode”. Press and release OK key.
e. “Select a Mode Key?” is displayed. Press and release the desired Mode key (TV, VCR, DVD,
f. “Confirm OK to Clear” is displayed. Press and release OK key.
g. “Please Wait” will be displayed briefly and the remote will exit Setup and return to normal
8.3 Master Clear
To Clear all stored Learned Commands (recommended on first time Learning):-
a. Press and hold S key until “Code Setup” is displayed (takes approximately 2-3 seconds).
b. Release S key.
c. Using the Up/Down keys, navigate to “Learn Setup”. Press and release OK key. “Mode Learn”
is displayed.
d. Using the Up/Down keys, navigate to “Clear All Learn Modes”. Press and release OK key.
e. “Confirm OK to Clear” is displayed. Press and release OK key.