Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 5
Installing the FCA Utilities and the HBAnyware Utility
Unpacking the Utility Files
The FCA Utilities and the HBAnyware utility are packaged together in one application kit tar file.
To unpack the tar file:
1. Log in as root, or su to root.
2. Copy the application kit tar file from your distribution medium into a directory, referred to here as
<directory>. The .tar file is named something similar to Solaris-3.2a13-1.01c-1a.tar.
3. Change to the directory where you put the kit tar file by typing:
cd <directory>
4. Extract and unpack the FCA Utilities and the HBAnyware utility files from the tar by typing:
tar xf Solaris-3.2a13-1.01c-1a.tar
Both of the following tar kits will be placed in the specified directory:
• Solaris-3.2a13-1.01c-1a-i386.tar
• Solaris-3.2a13-1.01c-1a-sparc.tar
Each of these .tar files contains the following:
• readme.first.txt
• emlxu_kit-1.01c-<platform>.tar - The emlxu_kit files contain the FCA Utilities.
• EmlxApps300b-12-Solaris.tar - This file contains the HBAnyware utility.
5. Untar the Solaris-3.2a13-1.01c-1a-<platform>.tar:
tar xvf Solaris-3.2a13-1.01c-1a-<platform>.tar
Installing the FCA Utilities
The FCA Utilities are comprised of the emlxadm utility and the emlxdrv utility.
• The emlxadm utility provides an interface to the Fibre Channel input/output (FCIO) interface
provided by the Sun StorEdge SFS.
• The emlxdrv utility temporarily associates or binds the Emulex emlxs Solaris SFS driver and the
Solaris lpfc driver to the various models of Emulex FC HBAs during migration from the Solaris
lpfc driver to the Solaris SFS driver.
Installing or Updating the FCA Utilities Using the emlxu_install Script
Although it is possible to install emlxu onto one or more clients from a server, that procedure is not
covered in this document; refer to the Solaris documentation.
Note: If an earlier version of the emlxu utilities package is already installed on the system,
the emlxu_install script will remove the old version before installing the new version.