4.1.1 Required Adjustments
This section describes what adjustments are required after any part is removed or replaced. The following
table shows the relationship between the repaired item and the adjustment.
Table 4-1 Required Adjustments
Repaired Item \ Adjustment
Bi-d Print
TPE Level
Printer Mechanism Replacement —- ( ❇1) ❍ ( ❇ 2) —- ❍
Main Board Replacement —- ❍❍—-
EEPROM Replacement —- ❍❍—-
PW Sensor Assembly Replacement —- —- —- ❍
Platen Assembly Replacement or Removal ❍ —- —- —-
CR Motor Assembly Replacement or Removal —- ❍ —- —-
Right Frame Assembly Replacement or
❍❍—- —-
Right Frame Disassembly —- ❍ —- —-
Left Frame Replacement or Removal ❍❍—- —-
RD Assembly Replacement or Removal ❍❍—- —-
CR Assembly Replacement or Removal ❍❍—- —-
( ❇ 1) : —- means adjustment is not required.
( ❇ 2) : ❍ means adjustment is required.
When any part is replaced or reassembled, use the Check Program included on the Settings
Diskette, and check the performance and settings of various check patterns.
4.1.2 Required Adjustment Tools
The following table shows the tools required for each adjustment.
Table 4-2 Required Adjustment Tools
Adjustment Required Tool Page
Platen Gap Thickness Gauge (B776702201) 4-2
Bi-d Print Alignment Settings Diskette ( ❇ 1) or Remote Utility or Panel Operation 4-4
Factory Settings ( ❇ 2) Settings Diskette 4-7
TPE Level Reset Settings Diskette 4-8
❇ 1: The Settings Diskette contains 3 settings programs: the bidirectional adjustment program,
factory settings program, and TPE (top paper end) level rewrite. The diskette also includes 4
check programs: continuous form paper, A3 cut sheets, A4 cut sheets, and envelopes.
❇ 2: This factory settings program includes several factory setting items. Using this program sets
the printer to the destination factory settings.
FX-2170 Service Manual Adjustment
Rev. A 4-1