
3.5 Precautions for Debugging
3.5.1 Restriction on Debugging Command
When the debug monitor is used for debugging, the following debugging functions/commands are not available or
allowed to be used.
When the following commands/functions are used, an error message will be displayed.
Error: Command is not supported at present mode.
Trace function (tm, td, ts and tf commands)
Sequential break function (bsq command)
ICE Flash memory function (lfl, sfl and efl commands)
Option related function (lo and od commands)
ICE emulation memory
The following commands/ functions are not available even though no error message will be displayed.
File loading via a parallel port (lf and lh commands)
Map break function
On-the-fly function
Execution time measurement function
Key break function
In addition to the functions above, the following functions cannot be used when the program in the ROM or Flash
memory is debugged.
Software PC break functions (bp, bs and bc commands)
Commands that use the software PC break function internally (stdin and stdout commands)
Memory edit functions (eb, eh and ew commands)
Memory fill functions (fb, fh and fw commands)
Memory move functions (mv, mvh and mvw commands)
3.5.2 Other Precautions
Th e d eb ug mo ni to r u se s a dd r e ss e s 0 x0 t o 0 x2 F i n t he b ui lt -i n RA M a nd a pp r ox ima t e ly 2 .5K B ( de s c r ib e d l at e r )
p ar t o f t he e xt e r na l RA M. Do n ot r e wr i te t hi s a r e a wi th a me mor y o pe r a ti on c omma n d. Wh e n t hi s a r e a i s
modified, the debug monitor cannot be executed normally.
The cold reset sequence is the same as the hot reset sequence.
1) The vector value indicated by TTBR is set to the PC.
2) Initial setting: general purpose/special registers = 0xAAAAAAAA, PSR = 0x0, SP = 0xAAAAAA8
In the debug monitor, cold reset is simulated as hot reset.
The S5U1C33104H and S5U1C33000H halt all the peripheral functions after a break occurs except for the DRAM
r e f r e sh o pe r a ti on . I n t he d eb ug mo ni to r, t he p er i ph e r a l f un c ti on s h al t i ns ta nt a ne o us ly wh e n a b re a k o cc u r s o r
s uc c e ss iv e /s te p e xe c u ti on s ta r ts , h owe v e r t he y r e st a r t i mmed ia t e ly . I nt e r r up ts wh il e t he t ar g e t p ro gr a m i s
suspended are disabled according to the IE-bit status of the PSR.