EWP-2000 V2 User’s Manual
In addition to Playlists, FireBall allows you to create custom “Groups” of
Music Titles, DVD Movies, or Radio Stations. User created Groups appear in
the Group Bar along with the automatically created Genre Groups and System
Groups (All, CDs, Internal, and Playlists). Some uses for custom Group are:
• Organize music titles or radio stations into custom genres, like “Funk”,
80’s, “Hits’, etc…
• Group all of the albums for a favorite artists together for quick access.
• Create an easily accessible collection of your favorite albums.
To create a custom Group, follow these steps:
1. Select the MUSIC source button to make sure you are in the Music
source mode or select the RADIO source button if you want to create a
custom Radio Group.
2. Select the OPTIONS button to display the Options Menu.
3. Select the New Group menu item.
4. Using the popup keyboard, enter a name for your Group.
5. Select the CONTINUE button on screen to advance to the Edit Group
Select Guide. The Edit Group Select Guide works just like the Music or
Radio Guide.
6. For each Music Title or Radio Station you want to add to the Group,
select the box to the left of the Title. A checkmark appears on the box
of each selected Title or Station indicating that it will be added to the
Group. Select the box again to remove the checkmark.
7. When you have selected all of the Titles or Stations you want to include
in the group, select the SAVE button on the New Group screen to save
the Group.
• Notice that a custom Group is added to the Group Bar along with the
System Groups.
• The custom Group will always be sorted alphabetically within the Group
Bar and appear to the right of the All and Playlist Groups.
Managing Your Media