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Specifications are subject to change without notice.
1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.
Telephone: 800-321-6699 • Fax: 800-996-3821
Type PowerConditioner&Suppressor
Load Rating 15A
Outlets 2 Unswitched
Lights 1PullOutLEDwithDimmerSwitch
Activation Switch Rocker
Circuit Breaker 15A Resettable
AC Mains Voltmeter Three Digits, Digital
Indicators AC Power On, Abnormal Voltage, AC Fault, Breaker Open, Wiring Fault
AC Outlets 8 Outlets total, 6 Filtered, 1 High Power Non-Filtered, 1 Unswitched Connector
LED Light Socket XLRSockettoprovide12VDCforoptional16"GooseneckLamp.
LED Light Switch Two position (On / Off)
AC Mains Power Cord 9' (3m), 14-gauge
Current Rating 15 amps
Operating Voltage 102VAC–132VAC
High Voltage Surge Protection Trigger at 133VAC, 1ms typically
Low Voltage Protection Trigger 101VAC, 1ms typically
Voltmeter Accuracy ±1.5VAC
Spike Protection Modes DCS (Dual Clamping Suppression) Circuitry on Incoming AC Mains and Each Section Output
Min. Spike Clamping Voltage 460VRMS@3,000A
Max. Spike Clamping Voltage 6000V
Max. Spike Clamping Resp. Time 1 nanosecond
Spike Clamping Voltage @ 100A 1250Vp for 20µs
Maximum Surge Current 6,500A
Energy Rating @ 2ms 2000 Joules
Noise Attenuation EMI/RFI 10dB@10kHz/40dB@100kHz/100dB@10MHz
Temperature Range 5°–35°c
Humidity Range 5% to 95% R.H.
Chassis Finish Black
Mounting Rack Mount, 1RU
Height 1.75" (1RU, 44.5mm)
Width 19" (215.9mm)
Depth 8.5" (548.64mm)
Weight 7.6 lbs (3.45kg)
Power Consumption 12 watts
Agency Listings MET(UL1449Code)
Power Conditioner