
Our greatest wish is to accompany your enthusiasm for wine throughout the years…
To do so, EuroCave puts all of its know-how into action to bring together the essential factors in optimal wine maturing:
The two worst enemies of your wine are extreme temperatures and sudden uctuations in temperature.
A constant temperature of 10° to 14°C (50 to 57°F) is considered to be ideal for your wine to reach its full potential.
Owing to its electronic regulation system, your EuroCave INOA conditioner is activated as soo
n as the cellar
temperature rises one degree above the programmed temperature. Furthermore, the presence of a heater built into the
air distributor protects your wine from any signicant fall in temperature.
This is an essential factor, enabling corks to retain their sealing qualities. The level of humidity must be higher than
(ideally between 60 and 75 %).
By maintaining a constant evaporation temperature, above 0°C, your EuroCave INOA conditioner ensures minimal drying
out of the air of your cellar and an ideal level of humidity.
Protection from light:
Light, and more especially its ultra-violet component, will rapidly prove noxious to your wine by irreversible oxidation of
its tannins. For this reason we strongly advise that wines be stored in the dark, far from U.V. light.
rotection from vibration:
Vibration disturbs the slow process of your wine’s biochemical evolution, and is often fatal for the nest wines.
The housing of your EuroCave conditioner is fully sound-proofed (by 20 mm polyethylene foam) and the compressor and
fans are tted with silent blocks to absorb any residual vibration.
Natural aeration:
A constant supply of air from the outside is also indispensable.
All of these specic features can
be found in the EuroCave INOA conditioner you have bought. We thank you for the
condence you have placed in us.
French wines
Alsace 10°C
Beaujolais 13°C
Bordeaux Sweet W hite 6°C
Bordeaux Dry White 8°C
Bordeaux Red 17°C
Bourgogne W hite 11°C
Burgundy Red 18°C
Champagne 6°C
Jura 10°C
Languedoc-Roussillon 13°C
Provence Rosé 12°C
Savoie 9°C
Vins de Loire Dry W hite 10°C
Vins de Loire Sweet 7°C
Vins de Loire Red 14°C
Vins du Rhône 15°C
Vins du Sud Ouest Sweet 7°C
Vins du Sud Ouest Red 15°C
Australian wines
Cabernet franc 16°C
Cabernet sauvignon 17°C
Chardonnay 10°C
Merlot 17°C
Muscat à petit grain 6°C
Pinot noir 15°C
Sauvignon W hite 8°C
Semillon 8°C
Shiraz 18°C
Verdhelo 7°C
Other wines
C°61 ainrofilaC
C°51 elihC
C°71 niapS
C°61 ylatI
Usual wine ser ving temperatures