Using Your Notebook 3
Keypad Function Description
<Enter> key. Execute a command. Within many
text editing application programs, the <Enter> key
inserts a hard carriage return, just like what ordinary
typewriter does.
<Esc> key. Press this key to cancel or escape from
a command or function.
<Ins> key. Known as the Insert key. Press this key
to toggle the keyboard data entry from insert to type
over mode.
<PrtScr> key. Known as the Print Screen key. Press
this key to map the whole screen to share memory for
your specific usage.
<Del> key. Known as the Delete key. Press this key
to delete the character to the right of the cursor, or
delete marked texts or items.
<Pause> key. Press this key to temporarily halt
execution of a command. Pressing any other key to
resume execution of a command.
<Backspace> key. Press this key to delete the
character to the left of the cursor.
<Shift> key. Press this key in combination with
alphabet letters to produce uppercase letters in
typing. Use this key in combination with those two-
character keys (found on the second row of the
keyboard) to produce the upper marked keys. Also
used in most application program in combination
with other keys to execute a certain command.
<Tab> key. Press this key to move the cursor to the
next tab stop on the right. This key works much the
same as in ordinary typewriter.