
6. S.SHUTTER : (this function is only available for EPTZ1000)
OFF: Disable auto slow shutter.
AUTO: Auto Slow electrical shutter. In order to enhance the view in the low lux
environment, slow shutter allows more light go through the shutter.
7. COLOR Color display.
ON: Enable a color display.
OFF: Disable a color display, and show a B&W display.
8. DISPLAY Display system information and status.
ON: To display the system information and status on the screen.
OFF: Not to display the system information and status on the screen.
9. BACKLIGHT Backlight compensation.
ON: Enable backlight compensation.
OFF: Disable backlight compensation.
10. WBC MODE White balance mode.
AUTO: Auto white balance mode.
INDOOR: Indoor white balance mode.
OUTDOOR: Outdoor white balance mode.
11. TITLE DISPLAY : Display the title.
ON: Enable title display.
OFF: Disable title display.