<62> ThinConnect4
3. Please enter the authentication information and telephone number to Dial Out.
Enter your user ID you received from ISP in “User Name” field.
Enter the password you received from ISP in “Password” field.
Type your password again in “Confirm Password” field.
Enter phone number you received from ISP in “Dial to” field.
Note: For security reasons, the password will show as “****” whatever you
have typedIf you choose “Nothing” on page 60 item 2, please enter only phone
4. Please enter the authentication information to receive calls.
Enter user ID you received from ISP in “User Name” field.
Enter the password you received from ISP in “Password” field.
Type your password again in “Confirm Password” field.
Note:: For security reasons, the password will show as “****” whatever you
have typed. If you choose “Nothing” on page 60 item 2 please click
“OK” directly and skip this step.
5. Click the “OK” button and go to 4.4 Connection Timer (Page 68).
End of 4.2 ISP Networking Dial-Up IP Connection