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Series Connection (Channels 1 and 2, adjustable outputs)
1. Set the tracking switch (20) to the spring OUT position. Press in tracking switch (23).
2. In Series mode, the slave output will strictly track the master output voltage when the user
turns the master voltage adjust knob (11). The output voltage in Series mode can be set up to
double the maximum voltage available in Independent mode (voltage between terminals 19 &
3. Ensure that both channels’ negative terminals are NOT connected to case ground. If they are,
a short circuit will occur.
4. When the two outputs are configured in Series, the voltage is controlled by the master output
knob (11), but the current adjustment for the two outputs is still independent. Therefore, ensure
that the CC adjust knobs (4 and 13) are rotated fully clockwise to maximum for the Series
circuit to work correctly.
5. The user must physically short the negative terminal of the Master output (CH1-) with the
positive terminal of the Slaved output (CH2+).
Parallel Connection (Channels 1 and 2 adjustable outputs)
1. Press in both tracking switch (20) and tracking switch (23).
2. In Parallel mode, the two outputs will always be the same for any setting of the master voltage
knob (11). The slave CC indicator (5) will switch on.
3. In Parallel mode the CC adjustment (4) for the slave is not active. The user must adjust the CC
for the master (CH1) output (13). The current available in parallel mode is up to twice the
amount available in other modes.
4. The user must short the two positive terminals. (CH1+ to CH2+)
5. The user must also short the two negative terminals. (CH1- to CH2-)
6. Use CH1 voltage control knob (11) to control the voltage level.
7. Use CH1 CC knob (13) to control current.