Programmer’s Guide, cont’d
CrossPoint 300 Matrix Switchers • Programmer’s Guide4-4
Switcher-Initiated Messages
When a local event such as a front panel operation occurs, the switcher responds by
sending a message to the host. The switcher-initiated messages are listed below
(c) Copyright 2007, Extron Electronics, CP 300 450 MAV IP, Vx.xx, 60-nnn-nn
The switcher initiates the copyright message when it is first powered on. Vx.xx is
the firmware version number and 60-nnn-nn is the switcher part number.
The switcher initiates the Qik message when a front panel switching operation or
preset recall has occurred.
The switcher initiates the Spr message when a memory preset has been saved from
the front panel. “nn” is the preset number.
The switcher initiates the Rpr message when a memory preset has been recalled
from the front panel. “nn” is the preset number.
Innn Audxx
The switcher initiates the Aud message when a front panel input audio level
change has occurred. “nn” is the input number and “xx” is the dB level.
The switcher initiates the Vmt message when a video output mute is toggled on or
off from the front panel. “nn” is the output number, • is a space, and “x” is the
mute status: 1 = on, 0 = off.
The switcher initiates the Amt message when an audio output mute is toggled on
or off from the front panel. “nn” is the output number, • is a space, and “x” is the
mute status: 1 = on, 0 = off.
The switcher initiates the Exe message when front panel lock is toggled on or off
from the front panel. “n” is the front panel lock status: 1 = on, 0 = off.