Configuration Tab
System Settings Page
The FOX matrix switcher downloads the System Settings page (see figure 55) when you
click the
tab. The screen consists of fields in which you can view and edit
IP administration and system settings. You can access the Email Settings and Passwords
pages by clicking the appropriate link. See Ethernet Link on page 117 for basic
information about IP addresses and subnetting.
Figure 55. System Settings Page
On password‑protected connections, there are two levels of protection: administrator and
user. Administrators have full access to all switching capabilities and editing functions. Users
can create ties, create and recall presets, set mutes, and view all settings with the exception
of passwords.
IP Settings fields
The IP Settings fields provide a location for viewing and editing settings unique to the
Ethernet interface. After editing any of the settings on this page, click the
button at
the bottom of the page.
Unit Name field
field contains the name used as the “from” information when the switcher
e‑mails notification of its failed or repaired status. This name field can be changed to any
valid name, up to 24 alphanumeric characters.
NOTE: The HTML language reserves certain characters for specific functions (see
Special Characters on page 70).
FOX Matrix 3200 and 7200 Switchers • HTML Operation 97