
Appendix A RS-232 Programmers Guide
Extron System 4
Switcher Series Users Manual A-10
Request Status - CMD5 (35h)
This command requests the current system status. Because the command is
asking for something, there is no need for any other parameters. The channel-
related information is only for the channel that is currently selected.
Format: ESC, CMD5, EOT
Example: 1Bh, 35h, 04h
Response: ESC, CMD5, ERC, Vid#, Aud#, Vid Mode, Dsp Type, Dsp Pwr, Dsp
Mute, Sys Pwr, Max Chnl, Dly Time, EOT
Where: ESC, CMD5 = 1Bh, 35h
ERC (See list.)
Vid# 81h - 96h = currently selected video channel
Aud# 81h - 96h = currently selected audio channel
Vid Mode on System 4xi: ______________________ LDxi LQxi
80h = RGBS (composite sync) ___________ x __ x
81h = RGsB (sync on green) ____________ x __ x
82h = RGBLD (line-doubled RGB video) ___ - ___ -
83h = YC (S-video) ____________________ - ___ -
84h = VID (composite video)_____________ - ___ -
85h = YCLD (line-doubled S-video) _______ - ___ -
86h = VIDLD (line-doubled composite video) - ___ -
87h = RGBLD - still ____________________ x ___ -
88h = RGBLD - motion _________________ x ___ -
89h = YCLD - still _____________________ x ___ -
8Ah = YCLD - motion __________________ x ___ -
8Bh = VIDLD - still _____________________ x ___ -
8Ch = VIDLD - motion __________________ x ___ -
8Dh = RGBLQ - still ___________________ - __ x
8Eh = RGBLQ - motion _________________ - __ x
8Fh = YCLQ - still _____________________ - __ x
90h = YCLQ - motion __________________ - __ x
91h = VIDLQ - still _____________________ - __ x
92h = VIDLQ - motion __________________ - __ x
Dsp Type 80h = Ampro
81h = RS-232 only (no display device)
82h = Barco
83h = Sony (or Mitsubishi XC monitor)
84h = ECP (3100 & 4100)
85h = Hughes/JVC
86h = Marquee
87h = NEC/Runco
88h = Mitsubishi VS
89h = Panasonic 1083U/1085U
8Ah = Toshiba
8Bh = Ampro LCD 150
8Ch = Seleco
8Dh = Digital Projection
8Eh = Zenith Pro Series
8Fh = Ampro Exe mode
90h = NEC LCD (MT)
92h = Panasonic 1083UN/1085UN
93h = Sharp LCD
94h = NEC XG
96h = Mitsubishi LCD 100/200
97h = Infocus (CLI RS-232)
98h = Hughes/JVC G1000
99h = Sharp LCD, RS-232
9Eh = Electrohome 1024
To get Video Mode information for
another channel, do a CMD4 to
change input channels, and then
do CMD5 again, or use CMD10.