CTL208CM Control Panel Module • Serial Communications
CTL208CM Control Panel Module • Serial Communications
Serial Communications, cont’d
4-2 4-3
The control panel module must be programmed before it can be
operated. Programming can include setting several serial port
variables to match the device to be controlled and includes
entering the primary and secondary (if applicable) code for each
You can program the control panel module either by using the
ICS100 windows control program or by sending individual
ASCII commands. Both programming methods require that a
serial port cable be connected between a computer and the
control panel module’s serial port.
ICS100 Windows Control Program
The ICS100 Control Program, a graphical control software for
Windows, provides a way to program the control panel module.
System requirements
• Operating system —
Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP / XP Pro
If using Windows NT, Service Pack 6 must be installed.
• Hardware — Pentium 150 or faster CPU
• Memory — Minimum: 128 MB
Recommended: 256 MB
• Screen resolution — Minimum: 800 x 600
Recommended: 1024 x 768
• Disk space — 5 MB
Installing the software
The control program is contained on a CD-ROM, and must be
installed on the hard drive.
1. Click Start > Run.
2. Click the Browse button. An open file window appears.
3. Navigate to the drive or folder that contains the software.
4. Double click the setup icon.
5. Click Ok in the Run window.
6. Click Ok in the InlineControl Setup window.
7. Click the icon button in the next InlineControl Setup to
install the software in the default (Extron) directory in the
Program group.
If you want to specify a different directory, click on the
Change Directory button.
8. The next InlineControl Setup window that appears
indicates when setup is complete. Click Ok.
Starting the program
Start the control program and establish communications with
the CTL208 as follows:
1. Click Start > Programs > Extron > ICS100. The control
program window (figure 4-1) appears.
The CTL208 will not respond until it has been contacted
with the valid address; after a moment, the program
reports a failure to connect (figure 4-1).
Figure 4-1 — ICS100 program window and warning
2. Click OK.
The control panel module’s serial port is factory-
configured to 9600 baud, no parity, no flow control, half-
duplex mode. If desired, serial port settings can be
changed from within the ICS100 program.
3. If you need to change serial port settings, click
Communications > Comm Port > Comm 1 (or the correct Comm
port). The Serial Port Setup window appears (figure 4-2).
Figure 4-2 — Serial Port Setup window
Serial Communications