IPL T SF Series Interfaces • Introduction
Introduction, cont’d
Global Configurator
Global Congurator (GC) is a software application that gives
users the ability to create a single conguration le of all of the
devices on their audio/video (A/V) network.
There are two types of devices in an A/V system:
Controllers — Control devices that have an IP Link enabled
Ethernet port for network connectivity, and serial, relay, I/O,
and infrared (IR) ports for A/V device connectivity.
Controlled devices — A/V products, such as video projectors,
displays, VCRs, DVD players, document cameras, projector
screens, room lighting systems, etc; all of the equipment that
is used to generate an audio/video presentation.
Once a "global" conguration le is built, GC then generates a
graphical user interface called GlobalViewer
that allows users
to monitor and control all of the A/V devices contained within
the GC conguration le.
When the conguration le is created, one or more of the IP Link
controllers on the network can be designated as a GlobalViewer
host device.
The completed conguration le is uploaded to the host
device(s). The GlobalViewer interface can then be launched by
opening an Internet browser on a local PC and entering the host
device’s IP address in the browser's Address eld.
Global Configurator application screen
Using GC you can congure a single room controller or create
a web-based remote monitoring system for hundreds of A/V
devices in multiple locations.