ISM 482 Integrated Scaling Matrix Switcher • HTML Operation 54
Figure 37. Enter Network Password Page
NOTE: A User Name entry is not required.
6. Click in the Password field and type in the appropriate administrator or user password.
7. Click the OK button. The switcher checks several possibilities, in the following order,
and then responds accordingly.
a. Does the address include a specific file name, such as If so, the switcher downloads that HTML page.
b. Is there a file in the switcher’s memory that is named “index.html”?
If so, the switcher loads “index.html” as the default startup page.
c. If neither of the above conditions is true, the switcher loads the factory-installed
default startup page, “nortxe_index.html” (see figure 38), also known as the Control
Figure 38. Control Page