3-13Integration Seamless Switcher • Operation
Dissolve Speed submenu
The Dissolve Speed submenu displays and allows you to set the duration of the
dissolve effect when switching the preview output to the program output.
Use either the Adjust
knob or the Adjust knob to select the dissolve speed from
0.1 seconds to 5.0 seconds in 0.1 second steps. The default is 1.0 seconds.
Test Pattern submenu
The Test Pattern submenu lets you select from among several test patterns and
assigns the selected pattern to an output. The test patterns are helpful when
adjusting the connected displays for color, convergence, focus, resolution, contrast,
grayscale, and aspect ratio.
Use the Adjust
knob to select a test pattern. The options are: Color Bars,
crosshatch, 4 x 4 crosshatch, grayscale, crop, alternating pixels, film aspect ratios
1.78, 1.85, 2.35, and ramp.
Use the Adjust
knob to assign the output(s) for the selected test pattern. Select
among neither output (both off), the preview output, the program output, or both
Blue Only Mode and Edge Smoothing submenu
The Blue Only Mode and Edge Smoothing submenu lets you turn the blue mode
and edge smoothing features on and off. Blue-only mode is helpful in the setup of
the color and tint of the incoming video signal. In the blue-only mode, only the
sync and blue video signals are passed to the display. Edge enhancement mode
smooths edges of a picture by minimizing the differences between pixels.
Use the Adjust
knob to turn blue-only mode On or Off. The default is Off.
Use the Adjust
knob to turn edge enhancement mode On and Off. The default is
Preview and Program Blanking submenus
The Preview Blanking submenu and Program Blanking submenu allow you to
adjust the top and bottom line blanking on the preview and program monitors
within a range of 0 to 200 lines. During scaling, captioning and tapehead switching
in the video’s blanking area may show up as picture noise. Using blanking, you
can add black lines at the top and bottom edges of the image to eliminate edge
Use the Adjust
knob to increase or decrease the top line blanking. The default is
0 lines.
Use the Adjust
knob to increase or decrease the bottom line blanking. The default
is 0 lines.
RGB Delay submenu
The RGB Delay submenu displays and lets you set the RGB delay when switching a
selected input to the preview output. With RGB delay, sync is never removed from
the preview display. Rather, the ISS blanks the RGB (video) outputs while the
scaler locks to the new sync, and then switches the RGB signals. This allows a brief
delay for the displays to adjust to the new sync timing before displaying the new
picture, which will appear without glitches. RGB delay is also known as
Triple-Action Switching
or video mute switching.
Use either the Adjust
knob or the Adjust knob to select the blanking period
(RGB delay time) from 0 seconds to 5 seconds in 0.1 second steps. The default is 0.2