Programmer’s Guide, cont’d
MAV Series Switchers • Programmer’s Guide4-2
Programmer’s Guide
The switcher’s rear panel RS-232/RS-422 connector (figure 4-1) can be connected to
the serial port output of a host device such as a computer or control system. This
connection makes software control of the switcher possible.
Figure 4-1 — MAV switcher RS-232 connector pin arrangement
The MAV Series Switchers are factory configured for RS-232 control. To use
the switcher under RS-422 control, an internal cable must be moved. See
Appendix B for the procedure for shifting the cable.
The RS-232/RS-422 connector on the MAV Series switcher is a 9-pin D female
connector with the following pin assignments.
niP 232-SR noitcnuF 224-SR noitcnuF
1— desutoN-XT)-(atadtimsnarT
4 — desutoN -XR )-(atadevieceR
5 dnG dnuorglangiS dnG dnuorglangiS
6 — desutoN — desutoN
7— desutoN—desutoN
8— desutoN—desutoN
9— desutoN—desutoN
The protocol is 9600 baud, 8-bit, 1 stop bit, no parity, and no flow control.
Host-to-Switcher Instructions
The switcher accepts SIS (Simple Instruction Set) commands through the
RS-232/RS-422 port. SIS commands consist of one or more characters per
command field. They do not require any special characters to begin or end the
command character sequence. Each switcher response to an SIS command ends
with a carriage return and a line feed (CR/LF = ), which signals the end of the
response character string. A string is one or more characters.
Switcher-Initiated Messages
When a local event such as a front panel operation occurs, the switcher responds by
sending a message to the host. The switcher-initiated messages are listed below
(C) Copyright 2002, Extron Electronics “CrossPoint/Mav/Matrix”, Vx.xx
The copyright message is initiated by the switcher when it is first powered on.
Vx.xx is the firmware version number.
The reconfig message is initiated by the switcher when a front panel operation has
occurred, an audio gain adjustment has been completed, or a memory preset has
been recalled.