
Operation, cont’d
MediaLink Switchers • Operation3-6
Menu details
Video Config(uration) menu
For the MLS 506, MLS 506MA, and MLS 506SA, the Video Config menu provides a
way to set the video format for inputs 1, 2, and 3. Select between Vid (for
composite video or S-video input) and YUV (component video) input. By default
inputs 4–6 are always RGB computer video.
The RGB delay (Triple-Action Switching delay) (the time when the screen goes
black during RGB input switching) for inputs 4, 5, and 6 can be set from this menu
for all MLS switchers. The period can be from 0 seconds to 5 seconds long.
Audio Adjust(ment) menu
From this menu you can set each input’s audio output level and bass and treble
The Level adjustment range is -15dB to +9dB for the MLS 306 and MLS 506, but it is
0 steps through 100 steps for the MLS 506MA and MLS 506SA. For all models
when the minimum limit of level adjustment is reached, the level number (-15dB or
000) is replaced by MIN. When the maximum limit of level adjustment is reached,
the level number (+09dB or 100) is replaced by MAX.
Audio Settings menu
Audio balance
The system’s overall (global) left/right audio balance can be set from the Balance
submenu. As the indicator on the LCD screen moves toward the left, the right
audio channel is attenuated. As the indicator moves to the right, the left audio
channel is attenuated. In the center no attenuation is applied to either channel.
The balance adjustment is not applied to the MLS506MA’s 70V output.
Mono/stereo output
The Audio Out connectors (Fixed and Variable) can output either mono or stereo
audio signals. If Mono is selected from the Output submenu, the audio signal will
be the same on both the left and right channels. If Stero is selected, the switcher
will send out different (stereo) signals on the left and right channels.
Effects — MLS 506MA and MLS 506SA only
For the MLS 506MA and MLS 506SA, the Effects submenu lets you choose whether
to enable the Effects Return connector.
If the Effects setting is disabled, the Effects Send connector still outputs an audio
signal (to a tape deck, for example), but the Effects Return connector will be
internally disabled so any audio signal present there will not reach the Audio
Out or amplified output connectors.
If the Effects setting is enabled, any audio signal input via the Effects Return
connector will be output via the Audio Out connector and the amplified
output (if applicable).
System reset
To reset all the switcher’s settings to the factory defaults, press and hold the Menu
and Next buttons while connecting the switcher to the AC power source.