MLS 304 Series, MLS 406Series • Serial Communication
Command/response table for special function SIS commands
The syntax for setting a special function is __ * X? #, where __ is the function number and X? is the value.
To view a function’s setting, use __#, where __ is the function number. In the following table the values of
X? variable are different for each command/function. These values are given in the right column.
Command ASCII Command Response X? values
(host to switcher) (switcher to host) and additional descriptions
Delay times
Set the RGB delay (Triple-Action Switching). 3 * X? # RGBDly*X? ] 0 = 0.0 seconds (default), 1 = 0.5
seconds, 2 = 1.0 seconds,
... in ½ second steps up to
10 = 5.0 seconds
: 3*7# RGBDly*07] Example: 3.5 second RGB delay.
Audio settings
Set the preamp output mode. 18 * X? # PreAmpMod* X? ] Set the line level audio
(Lineout’s and Preamp’s)
outputs to be either mono or
stereo signals.
1 = mono
2 = stereo (default)
If mono is selected, the audio signal is the same on both the left and right channels.
If stereo is selected, the switcher sends out different (stereo) signals on the left and right channels.
Set the loudness control. 29 * X? # Loudness*X? ] When output volume is low,
provide a +6 dB boost at 100Hz
and at 10 kHz. When output
volume is high, decrease the
boost at those frequencies.
This improves sound richness
by restoring the high and low
frequencies to which the ear is
insensitive to at low volume
levels. The effect diminishes as
volume is increased.
0 = off (default for firmware ver.
2.1 and higher) (remove boost)
1 = on (default for firmware ver.
2.0 and lower) (turn boost on)
Set line level audio outputs’ levels 40 * X? # LineLevel*X? ] 1 = -10 dBV (-8 dBu, 0.32 Vrms),
unbalanced output (default)
2 = +4 dBu (+6 dBV, 1.23 Vrms),
balanced output
If the connector is wired for balanced output, the level is +6 dB higher than if it is wired for unbalanced output.
Mode selection
Select the Monitor Out output mode 28 * X? # MonitorOutOpt*X? ] See pages 3-7 and 3-8 for an
explanation of these modes.
1 = mode 1 (RGB follow mode)
2 = mode 2 (DA mode)
3 = mode 3 (standard mode)