Extron • RGB 118 & RGB 118 PLUS • User’s Manual
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Internal DIP Switches
Internal DIP switch settings determine the operating mode of the
RGB 118 and RGB 118 PLUS. Changing the switch settings
requires removal of the top and bottom halves of the case as
described below.
Opening the RGB 118 or RGB 118 PLUS Case
To open the RGB 118 or RGB 118 PLUS case, remove the screw
from the bottom of the case (see Figure 1 on facing page). This
enables removal of the top and bottom halves of the case as
shown in Figure 2.
Changing a Switch Setting
The switches on the DIP switch module used in the RGB 118 and
the RGB 118 PLUS are the slide type (see drawing, Figure 3 on
facing page). To change the position of the slide switch, a small
screw-driver is used to push (slide) the switch to the desired
position (enable or disable).
Setting Internal DIP Switches
Internal DIP switches SW3-1,2, SW4-1, 2, 3 and SW5-1,2 affect
RGB 118 and RGB 118 PLUS operation as follows:
SW3-1 SW3-2 Serration/LCD Switch
OFF OFF Normal – Serration pulses remain w/output sync
OFF ON Serration pulses are removed from output sync
SW4-1 SW4-2 SW4-3 Analog Output Switch
ON OFF ON Sync on Green
OFF ON ON Sync on Mono
SW5-1 SW5-2 TTL Mode Switch
OFF OFF Normal
ON OFF 64 Colors < 18 KHz
X ON 16 Colors > 18 KHz
1. F = Factory setting
2. Required by some projectors
3. When setting the RGB 118 for Sync on Green, you must also
disconnect the BNC cable from the external “Sync” output of the
RGB 118 and RGB 118 PLUS. Otherwise, sync is output on both
green and the composite sync output which may cause
abnormal levels of green to appear on the presentation display.
4. Monochrome Composite – Use the Green output only.