SF228TSpeakerSystem•Installation 10
2. If seismic safety lines are being used, install them now. In addition to the tie off at 4c,
Extron recommends tie offs on at least two at the four available tabs at 4e. See the
illustration below.
Attach the seismic safety
cable to either tab.
Anchor the safety cables
to a suitable secure point.
Bend tab up.
Attach a safety cable
to a line retainer loop
at either 4c or 4d.
CAUTION: Repeated bending may cause the tab to break off.
Figure 14. Install the Seismic Safety Lines
a. Shut off power to all connected equipment.
b. Temporarily remove a ceiling tile adjacent to the speaker and set it aside.
c. Attach seismic safety cable to one or both line retainer loops at 4c.
d. If a seismic support cable has not been connected at 4c, attach one at 4d.
NOTE: A seismic support cable attached at 4c is recommended. 4d should be
considered only if attaching to 4c is not possible.
e. Attach seismic safety cable to at least two of the four seismic bendout tabs located
on either side of the speaker.
f. Attach the other end of the cables to a sturdy part of the building (studs, roof struts,
support girders or similar structure).
g. For additional support lines repeat as needed.
h. Replace the ceiling tile removed in step 4b.
3. Power on the amplifier, test and make any source device and system adjustments
following the amplifier operating instructions.