4-7TPS150 Switching and Transmission System • Serial Communications
Using the software to program the input and projector codes
Use the control program to program the transmitter’s input selection and projector
power on/off buttons as follows:
1. Click Controls > Projector Codes > Input Codes. The Program Projector Codes
window appears (figure 4-7).
Figure 4-7 — Program Projector Codes window
2. For each input or projector code to be programmed:
a. Click and drag the slider to select the desired input or projector code or
enter one of the following into the field above the slider (figure 4-8):
• 1 through 4 — Input 1 through 4 code
• 5 — Power off code
• 6 — Projector on code
Figure 4-8 — Input or projector code selection
b. Click in the ASCII or Hex radio button to select the appropriate format.
Selecting the Hex radio button causes the transmitter to convert the primary
code that you will enter in step 2c to a hex value before saving it. Then, when
you press the button, the transmitter sends the hex value.