Supported Distributions CUPS
The Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), a modular printing system for Unix-like
computer operating systems, allows a computer to act as a print server. A computer running
CUPS is a host that can accept print jobs from client computers, process them, and send them
to the appropriate printer.
Linux 32-bit - Ubuntu 7.10, Fedora Core 7 & 8, Red Hat Enterprise 5, openSuse 10.3,
NovelSuse 9.
MAC OS X Version 10.4 -10.5
File structure
CUPS service name & path /etc/init.d/cupsys
CUPS PPD model path /usr/share/ppd/custom
CUPS filter path /usr/lib/cups/filter
CUPS config path /etc/cups
LOG directory /var/log
HDP5000 Cups (Linux & MAC OS) User Guide Rev1.1