P. VOLUME - Adjusts the loudness of the SFX
Keyboard 200’s mono channel.
Q. LOW - Adjusts the amount of increase or
decrease in the low frequency range of the SFX
Keyboard 200’s mono channel.
R. MID - Adjusts the amount of increase or decrease
in the middle frequency range of the SFX Keyboard
200’s mono channel .
S. HIGH - Adjusts the amount of increase or
decrease in the high frequency range of the SFX
Keyboard 200’s mono channel.
T. DSP SEND - Adjusts the amount of signal from
the SFX Keyboard 200’s mono channel sent to the
on-board DSP.
U. INSERT - 1/4 inch TRS input / output phone jack
designed for use with signal processing devices or
other line level outboard gear for the mono channel
ONLY. A special "Y" line cord (stereo to dual mono)
is required to use this jack. The tip is the send and
the ring is the return.
V. VOLUME - Adjusts the overall loudness of the SFX
Keyboard 200 amplifier.
W. DSP - Adjusts the amount of return signal from
the SFX Keyboard 200’s on-board DSP.
X. SFX - Adjusts the amount of Stereo Field
eXpansion effect produced by your SFX Keyboard
200 amplifier. Rotating the knob clockwise increases
the SFX spatial effect. Likewise, rotating the knob
counterclockwise allows the SFX Keyboard 200 to be
used as a traditional amp.
Y. OUTPUTS - 1/4 inch balanced TRS output jacks
which are pre-master volume and post digital effects.
These jacks may be used to send the SFX Keyboard
200’s line level signal to a mixer, direct box or an
external power amplifier.
Z. ON - This RED LED illuminates when your SFX
Keyboard 200 is receiving power.
AA. DSP EFFECTS - This 32-position data wheel
selects among the various on-board digital effects.
These effects will only be heard if the DSP send knob
on the respective channels and the master DSP is
turned up. For a complete listing of all on-board
effects available refer to the chart located on page 6.
BB. SIGNAL - This yellow LED illuminates when an
adequate signal level exists at the DSP input. CLIP -
This red LED illuminates when an excessive signal
level exists at the DSP input. If this occurs lower the
input signal via the DSP Send knob on the individual
channels affected.