April 1, 2005 20 Lit. No. 94430/94431
Ice control material not flowing
1. Bridging of material in hopper. 1. Unplug the spreader harness
and tag out if required. Check
hopper for material and free any
bridged material.
1. Drive belt is loose or damaged. 1. Unplug the spreader harness
and tag out if required.
Reconnect after solution.
Spinner does not turn
2. Motor pulley not secured to
motor shaft.
2. Adjust belt tension. Replace belt
if damaged.
(Spreader motor is running) 3. Spinner pulley is not secured to
the spinner shaft.
3. Tighten pulley set screw.
Replace pulley if damaged.
4. Spinner shaft bearings are dry or
4. Replace cap screw and nut if
missing or damaged. Replace
pulley if damaged.
1. Unplug the spreader harness
and tag out if required.
Reconnect after solution.
1. Drive belt is loose or damaged. 2. Adjust belt tension. Replace belt
if damaged.
2. Pulley is not secured to the
spinner shaft.
3. Tighten pulley set screw.
Replace pulley if damaged
3. Pulley is not secured to the
gearbox shaft.
4. Replace damaged or missing
key. Replace pulley if damaged.
Conveyor belt not moving
(Spinner is turning)
4. Gearbox is damaged. 5. Replace gearbox if output shaft
does not turn when input shaft
5. Conveyor rollers are not secured
to the shafts.
6. Replace missing cap screws and
nuts. Replace shafts or rollers if
6. Conveyor belt is loose or
7. Adjust belt tension. Replace belt
if damaged.
7. Conveyor belt is not aligned. 8. Align belt to ride centered on
8. Conveyor belt shaft bearings are
seized or otherwise damaged.
9. Grease or replace bearings.
1. Unplug the spreader harness
and tag out if required.
Reconnect after solution.
Material in hopper does not flow
(Conveyor belt and spinner are
1. Feedgate is closed. 2. Open feedgate fully, then adjust
to desired opening size.
2. Obstruction in hopper. 3. Remove obstruction.
1. Unplug the spreader harness
and tag out if required.
Reconnect after solution.
Spread pattern not optimum
1. Deflector out of adjustment.
2. Change deflector adjustment to
suit desired pattern. (See
“Operating the Spreader” in this
Mechanical Problems - Variable Speed (PWM) and ON/OFF Control