If you have followed the instructions in this manual and still have difficulty operating your VCR, check the steps below
before getting help from a factory-authorized service center.
No power. œ The power cord is not connected. œ Connect the power cord to the AC
power input socket, then to an AC wall
œ The power is not on. œ Turn the power on.
The “Auto Setup” message is
displayed when the power is
turned on.
œ The VCR is being used for the first
time or after the power has failed or
has been disconnected for more than
5 seconds.
œ The VCR is not set or the settings
have been erased from the memory.
Please refer to INITIAL SETUP to set
the VCR.
Timer recording does not
œ The clock is not set correctly. œ Set the clock correctly.
œ The program timer is set incorrectly. œ Set the program timer correctly.
œ The timer is not set to ON. œ Turn the power off. The timer icon (n)
Recording is not possible. œ The record safety tab on the cassette
is missing.
œ Place vinyl tape over the safety tab
hole in the cassette.
œ The channel selected on the VCR
does not correspond to the cable
converter/decoder output channel.
œ Select the correct channel
(CH 02 ~ 07).
The picture is poor during
œ The TV channel selector is not set to
the proper channel.
œ During playback, set the TV’s channel
selector to channel 3 or 4 to match the
VCR’s channel switch setting.
œ The TV fine tuning is not set correctly. œ Fine-tune the TV.
œ If the playback picture is still poor,
contact a factory-authorized service
White lines (noise bands) in
the picture during playback.
œ Poor quality recording or tape. œ Try a different tape.
No picture during playback. œ The TV is not set to the proper channel. œ Set the TV’s channel selector to match
the VCR’s channel switch setting
(channel 3 or 4).
Playback picture is partially
noisy. (horizontal white lines)
œ The tracking control is not set to the
proper position.
œ Adjust the tracking control for a better
TV programs cannot be seen. œ The cable connections are incorrect. œ Recheck all cable connections.
A mechanical noise is heard if
the unit is left in the stop
mode for 5 minutes or more
with the power on.
œ The tape-protection mechanism has
been activated automatically. (This is
not a malfunction.)
SU4H/UF2 (FVH-T619 GB) Tue. Mar. 09/1999