The Silly Little Spider
A sil - ly lit - tle spi - der climbs up the mu - sic scale
He'd like to car - ry tunes but he doesn't have a –––– pail - - -
Sil - ly lit - tle spi - der, just learn the ––– notes to sing - Then -
you can - make some mu - sic to go with ev - ery - thing
Play a Song or Sing Along!
Pretty Colors
Pretty colors make you smile
Pretty colors bright and clear
We could sing about some colors
We could start with colors here
Red as an apple
Green as a tree
Sunshine is yellow
Blue is the sea
Count With Me
Count with me
It's such fun
We can start with number one
With a ding-dong, sing-along, music to your ear
Have some counting fun right here!
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb
Little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
It's fleece was white as snow
Can You Hear the Rhythm?
Can you hear the rhythm?
Can you hear the beat?
Come on, clap your hands,
Snap your fingers, tap your feet
Play on the piano
Tap the keys a while
Music gets you moving
Music makes you smile!