Local Operation
Menu 4
Figure 4-24. Menu | Test | Sweep - Menu
4. Press Run [F2] to initiate the test.
5. To pause the program, press Pause [F3]. Pause will now be highlighted and the
Calibrator will continue controlling to the current set-point. The Calibrator will
maintain control of the current set-point until further instructions from the user. Press
Continue [F4] to resume the program.
6. To stop the program, press Stop [F5]. The program will stop running but the
Calibrator will continue controlling to the current set-point.
Menu | Test — Self Test
The Calibrator can perform electrical and pneumatic self test to assist in trouble shooting
potential problems. Please refer to Chapter 6, Maintenance, for more details.
In order to perform a pneumatic self test, the supply port must be connected
to a properly set supply pressure and the test port not open to atmosphere.
For absolute units, a vacuum supply must also be connected to the
exhaust port.
Menu | Test — Remote Test
The Menu | Test | Remote section of the system is used to perform a number of the
diagnostic functions on the remote interface. It can be used to display the transmitted and
received messages that are sent across the interface. This can be a powerful tool to assist
in identifying the source of communication problems.
The Menu | Test | Remote menu displays information from the IEEE-488 interface.
Pressing the Serial 1 [F2] or Serial 2 [F3] keys will display information from the
serial ports.