- period (PERIOD).
Measures the time between the first and third mesial of the signal. At least one
complete signal period must be acquired to get a valid measurement.
period = time of 3rd mesial - time of 1st mesial
- pulse (PULSE WIDTH).
Measures the minimum time of the positive part and negative part of the first
period of the signal. At least one complete signal period must be acquired to
get a valid measurement.
pulse = min {(time 2nd mesial- time 1st mesial) pos part of signal period},
{(time 2nd mes- time 1st mes) neg part of signal period}
Note that the part with the shortest duty cycle is always defined as ‘pulse’.
- rise (RISE TIME).
Measures the rise time of a signal. It is calculated between the proximal and
distal of the first rising slope of the input signal. At least one rising slope must
be displayed on the screen to get a valid measurement.
rise = time of distal of first rising slope - time of proximal of first rising slope
- fall (FALL TIME).
Measures the fall time of a signal. It is calculated between the proximal and
distal of the first falling slope of the input signal. At least one falling slope must
be displayed on the screen to get a valid measurement.
fall = time of proximal of first falling slope - time of distal of first falling slope
- duty (= DUTY CYCLE).
Measures the percentage time of the positive part of the first period of the signal
as compared to the period time. At least one complete signal period must be
acquired to get a valid calculation.
It is possible to perform measurements on the part of the waveform between the
two cursors. This function is called cursor-limited measurements and is turned on
via the key sequence MEASURE >> CURSOR LIMIT & STATIST >> CURSOR
LIMITED yes. Cursor operation is done via the TRACK and ∆ controls and via the
CURSOR menu.
duty =
time of 3rd mesial - time 1st mesial
2nd mesial of pos part - 1st mesial of pos part