Key Guide
Key Guide
Color Keys
(red) Expands a word search.
(green) Displays the Outline
location of the current text.
(yellow) Lets you type one or
more search words.
(blue) Lets you add, find, or re-
move a bookmark.
Function Keys
Backs up (e.g., erases letters).
Shifts keys to type capitals
and punctuation.
Exits the book you’re reading.
Displays the Drugs menu and
clears your search word(s).
Selects a menu item, enters
your search word(s), or starts
the highlight in text.
Displays help messages.
Displays the Class menu.
Turns your BOOKMAN on or off.
Types a space or pages down.
At a menu, displays the full title
of the highlighted item. At text,
displays the Outline location.
Direction Keys
Moves cursor, highlight, or text.
Pages up or down.
Key Combinations*
Sends a word between books.
At the Drugs menu, goes
directly to a monograph. At
the text, highlights a super-
script footnote, cross-
ence, or bookmark.
+ Goes to the next or previous
or monograph in a subclass or
Outline location of a word
search match.
+Q-P Type numbers.
+ In a menu, goes to the last or
first item. At text, goes to the
next or previous heading.
Types an asterisk to stand
for letters in search words.
*Hold the first key while pressing the other key.