Table of Contents
License Agreement ..................................... 2
Introduction ................................................. 3
Notice ........................................................... 4
Getting Started ............................................ 5
Key Guide .................................................... 8
Using the Clocks ....................................... 12
Setting the Alarms .................................... 15
Using the Calendar ................................... 17
Using the Telephone Directory ................ 19
Using the Scheduler ................................. 22
Using the Memo Directory ....................... 24
Using the Internet Directory ..................... 25
Using the To Do Directory ........................ 26
Searching for and Editing Records ......... 27
Using the Expense Manager .................... 29
Using the Anniversary Directory ............. 32
Using a Password ..................................... 33
Using the Calculator ................................. 36
Using the Converter .................................. 38
Using the Built-in Conversion Rates ....... 38
Installing the PC Sync .............................. 41
Transmitting or Receiving Records ........ 42
Connecting the Serial Cable .................... 42
Synchronizing Data With PC Sync .......... 42
Replacing the Battery ............................... 48
Specifications ............................................ 49
Limited Warranty (U.S. only) .................... 50
FCC Notice ................................................. 51