i:, Connecttilenine[)mplugremovedinstep8tothe
i_. Dresstheadapterharnessalongsideofthepresent
!!. Using the plastic harness ties, attach 1he adapter
harness to the washer harness. Dress the hmness in
such a manner that it will not interlierc with any
moving parts or cause ally noise when die washer is
m operation.
i?. Connect the green connccto_ plug ll-om lhe adapte_
harness to the pump. Re-install the pump cover, if it
was removed in step !3.
I8. Connect the green connector phlg fiom the washer
harness to the connector on the adapter harness.
19. NOTE: If the service kit's door lock is already pre-
wired to the adapter harness, go to step 20. If the
service kit's door lock is not pre-wired to the adapter
haHless, conned the adapter haraess connections to
the new door lock
2(} Matching color [br color, connect the door switch
wires fiom tile washe_ harness to the connectols m
the adapter harness
21 Install the new door lock to the washer cabinet using
tile same screws removed in step 6
23. Connect the washer to the electrical power source
and test for proper operation. Close the door, place
Ibe iilnel to the final spin positioa, and start tile
lilner. When the machine starts its tRst ramp up to
tile higber spin speed, turn the tirner off; then
quickly pul! on the door handle to verify the door is
locked, lltlle door opens, recheck the connections in
steps 9 through 12
24 Using the tube of adhesive, glue the bellows to tile
l}ont panel at the 2. 3, & 4 o'clock positions. Wait
about two minutes, tllen pull on the bellow to make
sure it is securely bonded to the flon! pane!.
2q Install the li-ont sel vice pntm!