
If you store or move your refrigerator in freezing temperatures, be sure to completely drain the water supply
system. Failure to do so could result in water leaks when the refrigerator is put back into service. Contact a service
representative to perform this operation.
move the refrigerator beyond the plumbing connections.
concentrated detergents, bleaches, or cleansers containing petroleum products on plastic parts, interior doors,
gaskets, or cabinet liners. Do not use paper towels, scouring pads, or other abrasive cleaning materials.
If you set your temperature controls to turn off cooling, power to lights and other electrical components will continue
until you unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.
Keeping your refrigerator clean maintains its appearance and prevents odor build-up. Wipe up any spills immediately
and clean the freezer and fresh food compartments at least twice a year.
• Removeadhesivelabelsbyhand.Donotuserazorbladesorothersharpinstrumentswhichcanscratchthe
appliance surface.
• Donotremovetheserialplate.Removalofyourserialplatevoidsyourwarranty.
• Beforemovingyourrefrigerator,raisetheanti-tipbracketssotherollerswillworkcorrectly.Thiswillpreventthe
• Neverusemetallicscouringpads,brushes,abrasivecleaners,orstrongalkalinesolutionsonanysurface.
• NeveruseCHLORIDEorcleanerswithbleachtocleanstainlesssteel.
• Donotwashanyremovablepartsinadishwasher.
• Alwaysunplugtheelectricalpowercordfromthewalloutletbeforecleaning.
Occasion Tips
Short Vacations Leave refrigerator operating during vacations of three (3) weeks or less.•
Use all perishable items from refrigerator compartment.•
Turn automatic ice maker off and empty ice bucket, even if you will only be gone a few days.•
Long Vacations Remove all food and ice if you will be gone one (1) month or more.•
Turn the cooling system off (see “Controls” section for location of On/Off button) and disconnect power •
Turn water supply valve to closed position.•
Clean interior thoroughly.•
Leave both doors open to prevent odors and mold build-up. Block doors open if necessary.•
Moving Remove all food and ice.•
If using a handcart, load from the side.•
Adjust rollers all the way up to protect them during sliding or moving.•
Pad cabinet to avoid scratching surface.•