WPMAN0141 (8/31/01)14
The information in this section i s written for operators
who pos sess basic mechanical skills. Should you
need help, your dealer has trained service technicians
available. For your protection, r ead and follow all
safety information in this manual.
NOTE: Clean off mower deck before servicing.
J Never go under ne a t h equipme nt low-
er e d to the ground or ra is e d, unles s it is
properly blocked and secured. Never place
any pa r t of the body under ne a t h equipm e nt
or between moveable parts even when the
engine has been turned off. Hydraulic sys-
tem leak down, hydraulic system failures,
mechanical failures or movement of control
levers can cause equipment to drop or r o-
tate unexpectedly and cause severe injury
or dea t h. Follow Opera tor’ s M a nua l i ns tr uc-
tions for work ing under ne a t h a nd block ing
re quir e m ents , or have work doneby aqua li-
fied dealer .
J Keep all persons away from operator
control area while performing adjust-
ments, service or maintenance.
J Always wear relatively tight and belted
clothing to avoid entanglement in moving
parts. Wear sturdy, rough-soled work
shoes and protective equipment for eyes,
hair, hands, hearing and head.
Jackstands, with a load rating of 1,000 pounds or
more, are the only appr oved blocking device for this
mower. A minimum of four jackstands, located under
the mower as shown in Figure 7, must be installed
before working underneath this unit. Do not position
jackstands under wheels, axles, or wheel supports
because these components can rotate.
Do not work underneath unless it is properly attached
to tractor (see Operation section), the brakes set, key
removed, and the mower blocked securely. The
mounted unit will be anchored to minimize side to side
and front to rear movement.
For the mounted unit, tighten tractor lower 3-point
arm anti-sway mechanisms to prevent side to side
When blocking, you must consider overall stability of
the unit. Just placing jackstands under the unit will not
ensure your safety. The working surface must be level
and solid to support the weight on the jack stands.
Ensure jackstands are stable both top and bottom,
and mower is approximately level. With full mower
weight lowered on jackstands, test blocking stability
before working underneath mower.
Figure 7. Jackstand Placement
(Tractor and connection not shown)
Do not let e xcess grease collect on or around parts,
particularly when operating in sandy areas.
Figure 8 shows the lubrication points. The accompa-
nying chart gives the frequency of lubrication in
operating hours, based on normal operating condi-
tions. Severe or unusual conditions may require more
frequent lubrication. Some reference numbers have
more t han one location; be sure you lubricate all
Use a lithium grease of #2 consistency with a MOLY
(molybdenum disulfide) additive for all locations. Be
sure to clean fittings thoroughly before attaching
grease gun. When applied according to the lubrication
chart, one good pump of most guns is sufficient.
Use SAE 90W gear lube in the gear box. Check
gearbox using dipstick. Oil level is to be up to the ring
but not over. See Figure 8.
Check gearbox daily for evidence of leakage at both
seals and the gasket between the housing and cover.
If leakage is noted, repair immediately. There may be
a small amount of lube emitted from the vent plug; this
is not considered leakage.
Overfilling the gearbox will cause the excess gear
lube to blow out vent plug. The gear lube c ould then
ruin the belt.