
4. Place the leaf filter assembly into the bottom of
the filter pan, ensuring that the pan outlet is to the
left and the standpipe is to the right as you face
the fryer.
Pan outlet to left.
Standpipe to right.
5. Sprinkle 16 ounces (2 cups) of Magnasol XL filter powder evenly over the filter screen. DO
NOT use other types of filter powder.
6. Hang the crumb pan over the front edge of the
filter pan, ensuring that it is centered left to right
in the pan.
Ensure crumb pan is
centered left to right
on front of filter pan.
7. Place the filter pan lid over the filter pan and roll
the filter assembly back into the cabinet.
8. Reconnect the filter hose to the filter standpipe.
Lift this ring up while positioning
quick-disconnect over fitting on
standpipe. When in position,
release ring to lock hose in place.