
4.1 File Menu
[Close] command
Closes a currently open window. If the file has been modified, a confirmation dialog box
appears asking whether the file should be saved before it is closed. If the file is closed
without being saved, all the modifications made after the file was last saved are lost. If this
command is chosen for a file without a name, the [Save as] dialog box appears.
In the file name box in the dialog box, enter the appropriate file name for the file. A file can
also be closed by double-clicking the control box in the window of the file.
[Save] command
Saves the active file without changing the file name or the location it is saved. If a newly
created file is to be saved for the first time, the [Save as] dialog box appears, allowing the
user to save the active file with an appropriate file name. To save a file by changing the
file name or the location it is saved, use the [Save as] command.
[Save as] command
Saves the active file by assigning a file name for it. Choosing this command displays the
[Save as] dialog box, allowing the user to save the file by assigning an appropriate file
name for it.
To save the active file without changing the file name or the location it is saved, use the
[Overwrite] command.
[Print] command
Prints the contents of the active file. Choosing this command displays the [Print] dialog
box. In this box, set the desired printing attributes to print the file.
[Print preview] command
Displays what is to be printed in the [Preview] window.
The [Preview] window contains the following functions:
[Print] button]: Displays the [Print] dialog box.
[Set up printing] button: Sets the printing format. Choosing this button displays the [Set
up printing] dialog box, allowing the user to set the detailed printing format.
[Next page] button: Displays a preview of the next page.
[Previous page] button: Displays a preview of the previous page.
[Zoom in] button: Displays an enlarged preview.
[Zoom out] button: Displays a reduced preview.
[Close] button: Exits from the preview function.
[Recent files] command
Stores the names of up to five previously opened files.
If more than five files are opened, the excess names are removed from the list, starting
from the oldest one.
[Exit from SOFTUNE C Checker] command
Exits from the C Checker.