l. Sense>key specific bytes: Bytes F to 11
This field is reserved on this scanner.
(X©00000000π must not be expected.)
4.4.5 SEND DIAGNOSTIC command
The following table shows the normal sequence of the SEND DIAGNOSTIC
command when used with this scanner.
Step Bus phase Initiator operation ¨ Æ Target operation
1 BUS FREE Verifies bus free
2 ARBITRATION Obtains bus>usage
3 SELECTION Selects target Æ
Drives BSY signal
4 MESSAGE OUT Selects logical unit Æ
5 COMMAND Specifies SEND
Æ Performs self>test
6 STATUS ¨ Reports GOOD status
7 MESSAGE IN ¨ Reports message (Command
Releases BSY signal
(1) SEND DIAGNOSTIC command: COMMAND phase (initiator Æ target)
The SEND DIAGNOSTIC command is used by an initiator to request a target or
logical unit for self>test. Two types of self>diagnostic are: (a) the self>test performed
by the unit itself, and (b) the test conducted according to the instruction data from
the initiator.
This scanner supports the self>test only.
The results of self>test are reported using the status and sense data.
The CDB of this command is shown in the following illustration.
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