5.1 Back-up Officer Call
The back-up officer call feature allows the OOW to easily call the Captain or other nav-
igator from the bridge when there is an emergency. This function is available in all op-
eration modes and operates independently of the bridge alarm and watch safety
Operating procedure
1. Press the CALL BK-UP key on the Bridge Panel.
• Bridge Panel
- BRIDGE ALARM box flashes in red.
- WATCH ALARM box flashes in red.
- Buzzer sounds.
• Cabin Panel in Captain’s room
- ALARM lamp lights.
- Buzzer sounds.
• Cabin Panel in the quarters of the back-up navigation officer
- ALARM lamp lights.
- Buzzer sounds.
• All Cabin Panels in public areas
- ALARM lamp lights.
- Buzzer sounds.
Note: The alarm is not generated by the Cabin Panels in the rooms of officers not
selected as back-up navigation officers.
2. If the call is not reset within the time set for the 2nd stage interval (All Back-up Of-
ficer Call Interval, see section 4.6), the alarm is generated from the Cabin Panels
in the rooms of all navigation officers.
3. Press the CALL BK-UP key on the Bridge Panel. The audible and visual alarms
are stopped at all units.
Note: This alarm is not generated from the Timer Reset Panel, and cannot be stopped
with the BUZ STOP and ACK keys. The setting for Captain Backup is ignored.