10.7 Clearing the Memory
The memory can be cleared to restart operation with default settings. All tracks,
waypoints and routes are deleted and all default menu settings are restored.
1. Turn the power on while holding the [MENU] key down.
2. Release the [MENU] key when you hear the beep.
3. Rotate the [ENTER] knob to choose “RAM menu” and then push the
[ENTER] knob.
RAM test
RAM clear
RAM window
4. Rotate the [ENTER] knob to choose “RAM clear” and then push the [ENTER]
The message “Are you sure?” appears.
5. Push the [ENTER] knob to clean the memory.
The equipment restarts automatically.
10.8 GPS Cold Start
Cold start clears the Almanac (stored in the memory) to receive the latest
Almanac from the GPS satellites. When the equipment has not been used for a
long time (over one year), execute cold start as shown below to receive the
latest Almanac.
1. Choose ADVANCED from the menu bar, and then push the [ENTER] knob to
show the ADVANCED menu.
2. Rotate the [ENTER] knob to choose INPUT/OUTPUT, and then push the
[ENTER] knob.
3. Rotate the [ENTER] knob to choose INTERNAL GPS SETUP and then push
the [ENTER] knob.
Internal GPS setup window
4. Rotate the [ENTER] knob to choose RESTART GPS.
5. Push the [ENTER] knob to restart.