Description of [SYSTEM] menu (con't from previous page)
Item Description Ref. Page.
AUTO RETRACT Turns automatic transducer retraction on/off and sets speed (5-
16) at which retraction occurs. This function requires speed da-
ta. The transducer may be retracted at a speed different from
set here if the speed data is wrong. Reduce the ship's speed be-
low 16 knots and then retract the transducer.
SPEED MESSAGE Turns on/off ship's speed warning message. 8-6
EXT KP SYNC Turn on when using external keying pulse. —
AUTO TRAIN SPD Chooses scanning speed of bearing mark; high or low. High
speed is useful for general searching and tracking fast moving
fish schools.
AUTO TILT SPD Chooses the speed of tilt change in automatic tilting from high
or low.
UNIT Chooses unit of depth and distance measurement among
meters, feet, fathoms, passi/braza.
Note: The unit of measurement is fixed for some menu items
(for example, draft). When the unit is changed, echosounder
range and shift are reset to 0 (zero).
SHIP'S SPD/BR Chooses source of speed and course data with which to draw
ship's track. The choices are log/gyrocompass, current indica-
tor, nav data and gyro+nav data.
LOG PULSE Chooses log pulse/mile specification of speed log; 200 or 400
Sets baud rate of equipment connected to port 1, among 2400,
4800, 9600 and 19200 (bps).
PORT1 FORMAT Sets format of equipment connected to port 1; NMEA or CIF
Sets baud rate of equipment connected to port 2, among 2400,
4800, 9600 and 19200 (bps).
PORT2 FORMAT Sets format of equipment connected to port 2; NMEA or CIF
NAV DATA Chooses source of nav data among GPS, LC (Loran C), DR
(Dead Reckoning) or ALL. "ALL" automatically chooses source
in the order of GPS, Loran C and dead reckoning.
COMBI SCALE Chooses the location of the depth scale and distance scale in
the combination displays, right or left side.
SUB TEXT INDI For use by service technicians. Normally turn this indication off. —
LANGUAGE Choose the language to display among English, Japanese, Ko-
rean and several European languages.
TEST Chooses the test to execute. 8-7
SET TO DEFAULT Restores all default settings, including controls. Choose this
item and then press the EVENT key to restore all default set-