
6.2 Position Format
Position can be displayed in latitude and lon-
gitude, Loran C LOPs, or Decca LOPs, and
the default format is latitude and longitude.
Selecting position format (L/L or
1) Press [MENU ESC] [9] and [8] to dis-
play the LOP SETUP menu.
Pos Display Lat / Long LOP
LOP Display LC DE
LC Chain 7980 : 23-43
LOP -12.3us +0.34 us
DE Chain 24:G - P
LOP +0.80 Lane -1.00 Lane
Pos Display
MENU : Escape
: Select
ENT : Enter
: +/–
Lat / Long
Figure 6-3 LOP SETUP menu
2) Press or to select Pos Display.
3) Press t or s to select Lat/Long or LOP.
4) Press the [NU/CU ENT] key.
Displaying LOPs
1) Press [MENU ESC] [9] and [8].
2) Press or to select Pos Display.
3) Press t or s to select LOP.
4) Press to select LOP Display.
5) Press t or s to select LC (Loran C) or
DE (Decca).
Follow 1 or 2 in the adjacent column ac-
cording to selection in step 5.
1 For Loran LOPs
6) Press to select LC Chain.
7) Key in GRI code referring to the Loran C
chain list appears in the Appendix. If the
GRI code is 9970, for example, press [9]
[9] [7] [0].
8) Key in secondary code pair referring to
the Loran C chain list in the Appendix.
9) Press .
10)Key in correction value.
11) If necessary, press [
] to switch from
plus to minus or vice versa.
12)Press the [NU/CU ENT] key.
13)Press the [MENU ESC] key.
2 For Decca LOPs
6) Press to select DE Chain.
7) Key in Decca chain number referring to
the Decca chain list in the Appendix. For
the Europe chain, for example, press [0]
8) Key in Decca lane pair. Red, [1]; Green
[2], and Purple [3].
9) Press .
10)Key in lane correction value.
11) If necessary, press [
] to switch from
plus to minus or vice versa.
12)Press the [NU/CU ENT] key.
13)Press the [MENU ESC] key.