Menu item Meaning
(default in boldface)
Operation Select Main or Sub to use. (For the display
unit connected to TB7 in DS-610, select
Main, Sub
Output Data Format Select the version of IEC61162 data to output
from DS-610.
IEC61162-1 Ed.2
IEC61162-1 Ed.3
IEC61162-2 Ed.1
Input Data Format IEC 61162_IN_1 Select IEC data format input to the channel 1
of the IN port, TB2-#1, 2 in DS-610. (main
display only)
IEC61162-1 Ed.2
IEC61162-1 Ed.3
IEC61162-2 Ed.1
61162_IN_2 Select IEC data format to input to the channel
2 of the IN port, TB2-#3, 4 in DS-610. (main
display only)
61162_IN_3 Select IEC data format to input to the channel
3 of the IN port, TB2-#5, 6 in DS-610. (main
display only)
NMEA 61162_IN_1 Select NMEA data baud rate to input to the
channel 1 of the IN port, TB2-#1, 2 in DS-
610. (main display only)
61162_IN_2 Select NMEA data baud rate to input to the
channel 2 of the IN port, TB2-#3, 4 in DS-
610. (main display only)
61162_IN_3 Select NMEA data baud rate to input to the
channel 3 of the IN port, TB2-#5, 6 in DS-
610. (main display only)
IEC61162 IN Monitor Monitor the IEC input signal described above. (main display only)
SIO Monitor Monitor the serial signal input to the display units. (main and sub)
Reference Point Select the reference position to use to calcu-
late ship’s speed. (main display only)
Alarm Buzzer Select ON to get the audio alarm when an
alarm is violated. (main display only)
Alarm Hysteresis Set the amount of tolerance to apply to the
Speed Limit alarm. For example, if you set “1
kn” here and “30 kn” for the Speed Limit
alarm, that alarm is cancelled when ship’s
speed drops to 29 kn from 30 kn.
0 to 5 kn
L/L digit Set the number of digits to show for the min-
utes indication in latitude and longitude posi-
3 digit, 4 digit
Others For the serviceman. These are not used at the installation.