7.9 GPS Setup
The GPS SETUP menu smooths position
and course, averages speed, applies position
offset, and deactivates unhealthy satellites.
1. Press the [MENU] key twice.
2. Select GPS SETUP and press the [ENT]
LAT OFFSET : 0.000'N
LON OFFSET : 0.000'E
DISABLE SV : – – – –
Figure 7-12 GPS SETUP menu
3. Select item and press the [ENT] key.
4. Change setting with the Cursor Pad and
press the [ENT] key.
5. Press the [MENU] key twice to finish.
GPS SETUP menu description
SMOOTH POS (Smoothing position)
When the DOP or receiving condition is un-
favorable, the GPS fix may change greatly,
even if the vessel is dead in water. This
change can be reduced by smoothing the raw
GPS fixes. A setting between 0 and 999 is
available. The higher the setting the more
smoothed the raw data, however too high a
setting slows response time to change in lati-
tude and longitude. This is especially no-
ticeable at high ship’s speeds. “0” is the
normal setting; increase the setting if the
GPS fix changes greatly.
SMOOTH S/C (Smoothing speed/
During position fixing, ship’s velocity
(speed and course) is directly measured by
receiving GPS satellite signals. The raw ve-
locity data may changes randomly depend-
ing on receiving conditions and other factors.
You can reduce this random variation by
increasing the smoothing. Like with latitude
and longitude smoothing, the higher the
speed and course smoothing the more
smoothed the raw data. If the setting is too
high, however, the response to speed and
course change slows. For no smoothing,
enter “0”.
AVR. SPEED (Speed averaging)
Calculation of ETA and TTG, etc. is based
on average ship's speed over a given period.
If the period is too long or too short calcula-
tion error will result. Change this setting if
calculation error occurs. The default setting
is one minute.
LAT/LON OFFSET (Position offset)
You may apply an offset to position gener-
ated by the GPS receiver, to increase posi-
tion accuracy.
DISABLE SV (Disable satellite)
Every GPS satellite is broadcasting abnor-
mal satellite number(s) in its Almanac,
which contains general orbital data about all
GPS satellites. Using this information, the
GPS receiver automatically eliminates any
malfunctioning satellite from the GPS sat-
ellite schedule. However, the Almanac
sometimes may not contain this information.
You can disable an inoperative satellite
manually. Enter satellite number in two dig-
its and press the [ENT] key. To restore a sat-
ellite enter “0”.