Before applying power to the system, verify that the instrument is configured properly for the user’s
particular application.
Hazardous voltages may be present when covers are
removed. Qualified personnel must use extreme caution
when servicing this equipment. Circuit boards, test points,
and output voltages also may be floating with respect to
chassis ground.
Installation and servicing must be performed by qualified personnel who are aware of dealing
properly with attendant hazards. This includes such simple tasks as fuse verification.
Ensure that the AC power line ground is connected properly to the chassis. Similarly, other
power ground lines including those to application and maintenance equipment must
be grounded
properly for both personnel and equipment safety.
Always ensure that facility AC input power is de-energized prior to connecting or disconnecting any
In normal operation, the operator does not have access to hazardous voltages within the chassis.
However, depending on the user’s application configuration, HIGH VOLTAGES HAZARDOUS TO
HUMAN SAFETY may be normally generated on the output terminals. The customer/user must
ensure that the output power lines are labeled properly as to the safety hazards and that any
inadvertent contact with hazardous voltages is eliminated.
Guard against risks of electrical shock during open cover checks by not touching any portion of the
electrical circuits. Even when power is off, capacitors may retain an electrical charge. Use safety
glasses during open cover checks to avoid personal injury by any sudden component failure.
Some circuits are live even with the front panel switch turned off. Service, fuse verification, and
connection of wiring to the chassis must be accomplished at least five minutes after power has
been removed via external means; all circuits and/or terminals to be touched must be safety
grounded to the chassis.
These operating instructions form an integral part of the equipment and must be available to the
operating personnel at all times. All the safety instructions and advice notes are to be followed.
Neither Elgar Electronics Corporation, San Diego, California, USA, nor any of the subsidiary sales
organizations can accept any responsibility for incidental or consequential injury of personnel, or
loss or damage of equipment or material that results from improper use of the equipment and