MIF Freeze Turn on to send "freeze" command to
radio equipment connected. (Requires
FURUNO radio equipment.)
MIF AGC Turn on to automatically control gain in
telex mode. (Requires radio equipment
which supports AGC command in MIF
MIF Emission Turn on to automatically change mode
at radio equipment to telex. (Requires
radio equipment which supports Emis-
sion command in MIF format.)
TX/RX MSG Save Turn on to automatically save incoming
and outgoing messages to floppy disk.
Edit Before Sending "No" transmits keying operation one by
one. "Yes" transmits message only when
the [Enter] key is pressed after confirm-
ing text typed.
Time System Select Time system. SMT is local time
and JST is Japan standard time.
Time & Date Enter Date and time manually. If a navi-
gation device is connected, the time is
automatically set when the power is
turned on or whenever the time system
is switched. Manual entry takes prior-
ity over automatic entry. If there is no
the navigation data input, it takes more
than extra 10 seconds for automatic ini-
tial settings.
Display mode Select display mode between normal and
Function key [F7]: WRU (Who Are You?)
In the ARQ mode, requests other station's answerback code.
Function key [F8]: HR (Here Is)
In the ARQ mode, sends your ship's answerback code.