Radar data
Radar image including range rings, EBLs, VRMs, plotting symbols, radar maps, parts of SENC,
voyage plan, and other essential navigational indications, is recorded in the DRU via the interface
in the DCU which is connected to the buffered video output of the radar display unit. One
complete picture frame is captured at intervals of 15 s.
The radar display complying with IEC 60936-1 should have a buffered output (VESA DMTS
compatible) with resolutions between 640 x 480 and 1280 x 1024, and can be directly connected
with the VDR. Scanning may be interlaced or non-interlaced.
Bridge audio
Up to six microphones are supplied as standard to record conversation at conning station, radar
display and chart table. If possible, the microphones should be positioned to capture the audio
from the intercom, public address system, and audible alarms on the bridge. The microphones
are labeled Mic1, Mic2, etc. Microphone captures conversation in the bridge, audio signals from
equipment and sound from machinery. The microphone generates a test beep every 12 hours
which is also recorded. The microphone picks up audio signals ranging from 150 to 6000 Hz.
Communications audio
A maximum of two VHF communications are recorded for both transmitted and received audio
signals. The VHF radio connections are labeled VHF1 and VHF2.