Part # 4521635 (03/04/08) Page 19
To begin the IR communication, you will need the HyperTerminal software which is available in Microsoft Windows under,
Start =>Program=>Accessories => HyperTerminal. Prior to the rst use, HyperTerminal should be congured properly.
Garland service requires the following settings listed below: 2400bps, 8bit, no parity,
1 stop bit, hardware protocol.
First connect the IR adapter into your PC or laptop computer. Place the IR sensor section onto the ceran glass towards the
bottom left hand corner for counter top cookers. Position the IR sensor to the generator. Refer to gure #3 in this section for
correct positioning. For all Wok cookers, you will be required to rst remove the top wok bowl assembly. Place the IR adapter
into the left hand corner, directly over the rectangular opening located on the metal sheet with ferrit stripes. For Wok cookers
please refer to gure #4 for IR adapter positioning.
Start HyperTerminal and put the access
name, e. g. IR2400.ht.
Select the communication via COM1 (or where
your IR adapter has been connected).